Created with Love...

 I create paintings with love and joy, pictures, glass tables and coasters, textile products for our homes and clothes...

O mně

What I do and how it all came about...

My journey to where I am now, and to the work I am presenting to you now, has been long and full of unexpected twists and surprises. From a young age I threw myself headfirst into everything, I had to try everything on my own, and I learned and grew by the method of blind alleys. Yes, this is not the way... In retrospect, I admire my amazing parents who supported me in almost every one of my often crazy inventions and plans. So many times I came home thinking that I just had to do this, experience that, try this... And I had so much fun! I was exploring the world and throwing myself into different adventures. Then, as an adult, like almost all of us, influenced by my surroundings and the perception of the world with a limited mind, I did a lot of things because "it should be done", because "it's normal", because "I have to". But in fact, I have always enjoyed all my jobs anyway, and I have always come into a classy team and never suffered in the slightest at work. Everything was fine, but nothing was a YES, that's IT. Then, when I stayed home with my kids and for the first time in my adult life I didn't run a business or work for anyone, I indulged in the experience of being supported by my husband. As the kids got older, I sent more and more wishes out into the universe for something to come along that would be fulfilling as a "job".

I wanted to save the world for a while. I wanted the world to be beautiful and full of love, and I thought that somehow it could be "done". I longed to contribute and help. And so I embarked on a two-year training in craniosacral biodynamics. As delivered by my teacher, it was an amazing two-year journey of my great personal transformation. For several years after the training, I then passed this energy healing on, healing physical and subtle bodies, aching hearts. But...

We are all evolving, we are all growing, and all of us, whether we want to or not, whether we realize it or not, life is leading us to ourselves. To the self in the sense of returning from a focus on the external world, things, money, external pleasures and displeasures, to seeing the self as a manifested divinity, as a being that has come from Source and will return to Source. And from the victim, the unconscious creator, we are led to the conscious creation. Not in the sense of quantizing and "forcing" something on the universe that only our head desires again, but rather to self-awareness and conscious observation of all that is manifest in matter. Observing and allowing, relaxing into who and what I am and all that comes into my life and giving it all one big YES. Acceptance is the key. And in that acceptance comes a tremendous release of all pressures, resistances, tensions and what is our essence can begin to manifest. Pure joy. Not the kind of euphoric joy that we sometimes experience under the influence of external events, which is soon replaced by some life slap to balance everything out nicely, but the kind of calm joy that comes from our center, our heart, our neutral, whatever we like to call it. And then the universe comes together to support us, and everything comes together in harmony for the benefit of all that is manifested...

And so, in fact, at the moment when I had given up trying to "figure out" what I was going to do, it kind of came subtly and gradually. We moved out of the city to the countryside and I started doing the activities I enjoyed as a child again. I bought a keyboard and started playing again. I bought crayons and a sketchbook and started drawing again. So I gradually worked my way up to where I am today... And what's next? I don't know, I'll see, I'm looking forward to it! I'm enjoying what's in my life right now, I love creating pictures for you and for myself, I enjoy creating clothes that someone will love to wear, blankets under crystals that will decorate someone's space...

I thank the universe that I can. And thank to myself for allowing myself to do it!

Paintings on canvas

My essential paintings are created by digital drawing, printed on canvas and hand finished with acrylic paint, crystals, glass components, Swarovski components, gold leaf and glitter as I feel it at the time.

I love geometry, the sacred geometry that is contained in everything created from plants, to crystals, to the bodies of human beings. I love the symmetry in which there is beauty and purity. I love all the colors of the world, the beautiful variety of everything around us...


Satin home

Printed on cotton sateen, the altar clothes are designed for creating crystal geometries or to complete your sacred spaces or altars. They are printed in an eco-friendly process on cotton sateen. They are available in a variety of designs, shapes and sizes, trimmed with gold braid.

The cushions, like the blankets, are printed ecologically on cotton sateen and come in a choice of designs in several sizes.



Making clothes has been a dream of mine for a long time. Even as a schoolgirl I loved to sew and I was happy with every original piece.

Today I create designs for embroidery and print fabrics, which we then use to sew beautiful pieces for you.


On glass

Glass is an amazing material. It carries a beautiful high vibration and purity. I love to transfer my motifs on glass and create original table tops, crystal or candle bases, wall shelves...
